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For complaining about the conditions he is being kept in, Zane takes Callum to The Plunga! for some harsh, sticky punishment.
Callum wears a skintight latex catsuit with bare feet.
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Producer Pied & Gunged during LIVE Filming!
tMe: The MessyWorld eXpress: Callum Leigh
The Bet 03: Callum Tied, Tarred & Feathered
The Plunga!: Callum Plunged After Gruelling Day of Mixing Gunge
The Plunga! • Noughts & Crosses with Graham & Gabriel
The Plunga! • Callum Escapes & Plunges Zane 01 (Singlet)
The Plunga! • Callum Escapes & Plunges Zane 02 (Rubber Maid)
Callum Leigh Final Scene
The Plunga! • Useless Tossers with Chris Ronson
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