Callum has been sent to a very harsh prison. Kept in chains, in prison uniform, and locked in a tiny cell, he has been complaining about the conditions. Head officer Michaela takes him to a "very wet and dirty" place to discipline him.He is wearing a red prison-style jumpsuit with orange scrubs and prison coding imprinted and wearing interconnected neck, wrist, and ankle chains. He is covered in pies, dark green and egg-looking orange gunge, and left to 'wallow' in it. Michaela is dressed in an authentic British police uniform with a high-vis jacket. Callum acts disgruntled and as though he is struggling, desperately pleading for someone to release him and complaining of the harsh and degrading conditions in the prison.A custom scene from
Callum gunges himself in red overalls/boilersuit with very gooey green slime. There's being gunged, but then there's pulling the lever yourself which makes the feeling so much worse...